About Scales And Fins
ScalesAndFins.com was first registered as a site on Mar 2, 2007. It is believed it was a reptile and aquatic forum based in Australia. The site then 'sat on the shelf' until we bought it and launched Scales And Fins in January 2011.
The site is not designed to be a comprehensive resource, consider it as a launching pad where you can quickly learn the basics and be confident enough to read further and ask the right questions!
Scales And Fins has also been created as a FREE resource to be used by Aquatic and Reptile outlets. The pages are ideal to be printed and answer the basic questions that we have all asked at the beginning of our journey in reptile and aquatic keeping. If there are topics that you would like to be added then feel free to contact us with suggestions.
To make it all easy we have split the site into easy to navigate sections. Either click on the coloured tabs on the left, or use the drop down menus to jump straight to a subject.
If you have trouble finding your way around the site we have made a sitemap with all the most important pages on it.
A couple of other pages we ought to mention are our Privacy Policy and a resources page where we have selected sites that are great resources to find out more about reptiles and aquatics.
If you have any questions or requests please view our contact details and online form page.
Please do take time to visit our sponsor's section without whom this site would not have been possible, this includes some cool pictures that are free to use! If you have found Scales and Fins useful, tell your friends and remember to call back as we are regularly adding new sections.