Caresheet for Leopard Gecko (Eublepharis macularius

Species:E. macularius
Leopard Gecko



Leopard geckos have become one of the most popular reptiles to keep as a pet. This is due to a number of factors including their comparative ease of care, manageable size when adults and friendly disposition. They are a beautiful looking lizard and now there are now many colour variations to choose from. Leopard geckos can throw their tail off as a defence, so never pick them up with it!


Leopard geckos are native to India, Pakistan. Iran and Afghanistan, where they live in the hot and rocky desert. During winter they remain underground living off the fat they have stored in their tails.


Adults are between 20.5-27.5cm (8.1-10.9 inches) long and hatchlings between 6.5-8.4 cm (2.6-3.3 inches). When mature males tend to be bigger.

Life span

With the correct care leopard gecko can live for 20 years or more


As they are a very popular reptile leopard geckos are readily available either from local retailers or breeders. When purchasing check for the animal's general demeanour, which should be very energetic. You should also check around the mouth, nose and eyes for any discharge. The eyes should be alert and bright. Also check the the animal's body for any sores.



The minimum size vivarium for an adult is 24x12x12 inches(60x30x30cm). A tank of 36x18x18 inches (90x45x45 cm) can house a small group of adults. If you are housing a group of geckos in a tank make sure there is only one male, otherwise there will be potentially fatal fighting. You should make sure that there are adequate hiding places otherwise this could lead to stress.


Leopard geckos are kept on a variety of substrates and there is some debate about what is most suitable. The main concern is impaction, which is where the animal accidentally swallows substrate that it cannot digest and remains in the gut, for this reason sand is considered unsafe by many. Paper towels are often recommended for both juvenile and leopard geckos but are not aesthetically pleasing. Slate or ceramic tiles are a preferred option for many and look more pleasing.


Coming from the desert region leopard geckos do not require a humid atmosphere. The vivarium's humidity should be about 30 percent. A 'moist' hide should be offered. The moisture is created by damp kitchen paper or sphagnum moss placed in the hide. This will help your gecko shed its skin.


The hot end of the tank should be between 84-88 F (29-31 C) and night time temperatures should not fall beneath 70 F (21 C)


As they are nocturnal they do not require ultraviolet light. Lighting during the day should be via the spot light used for the basking area.

Food And Water


Leopard Geckos are insectivorous. Juveniles should be fed every day and adults every other day, With the ease of availability and cost crickets are normally the staple dietary item. They should be gut loaded before being given to your gecko. You should try to remove any uneaten crickets as they can nibble on the lizard. Place a small piece of potato or carrot in the tank. The crickets will use this for moisture and it will help keep them away from the gecko and also make them easier to catch. Dust the insects with calcium powder once or twice a week for adults and for younger geckos daily. Other foods such as locusts, mealworms and wax worms can also be offered. You should also use vitamin and mineral powder but be careful to read the instructions as too much could prove dangerous.As leopard geckos are nocturnal it is best to feed them around after dusk time.


A shallow dish of fresh water should always be provided

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