Water with a pH reading of less than 7
A clear plastic material that is used to make aquariums. It has similar properties to glass, but is much lighter.
A fluorescent bulb that emits blue colored light, which is often used in marine tanks
Activated Carbon
Used in a filter to to remove waste including organic or medications
Adipose Fin
A small fin possessed by some fish. It is located behind the dorsal fin
Existing or active in the presence of free oxygen.
Air Stone
A block with minute holes that is used with an air pump to diffuse air
Algal Bloom
A rapid growth of algae
Water with a pH reading of greater than 7
The toxic byproduct produced by fish metabolism or decaying organic materials
A fish born in fresh water that then migrates to a saltier environment Catadromous.
Existing or active in the absence of free oxygen.
Anal Fin
The fin that is found behind the anal opening
Low oxygen
Aquarium Salt
A salt that is used in freshwater tanks to treat disease. This is not the the same as marine salt!
Arranging plants and decorations in a tanks, the equivalent of landscaping
A biological filter
Abbreviation of biological load, which is the fish waste that needs to be processed by the filter
Blood Worms
Larvae from the family Chironomidae, used as fish food
Wood that has been preserved in a peat bog.
Water that is slightly salty
A fish born in salt water that then migrates to fresh water
Caudal Fin
The tail fin
A group that includes amongst others Tetras and Piranhas.
A chemical element that is frequently added to domestic water supplies. This can prove toxic to fish. Chlorine dissipates from water if it is left to stand for a day, or it can be removed
by using a dechlorinator
A deposit of fish eggs
Community Tank
An aquarium populated with fish from several different species
Establishing the nitrogen cycle in an aquarium
DI Water
Water purified by deionization
A freshwater crustacean used as as fish food
Active during the day
Dorsal Fin
A fin on the top of many fish.
Fishes body becoming swollen due to fluid accumulation. This is a symptom of various diseases
The device used to remove waste particles and impurities from water
Filter Media
Materials which are used in a filter to remove particles and impurities
Fishless Cycle
Establishing the nitrogen cycle in an aquarium without the use of fish
Newly hatched fish
A female fish who is ready to spawn.
Hard Water
Water containing a high proportion of dissolved minerals and solids.
An instrument used to measure the salt content in water
Abbreviation for invertebrates
Labyrinth organ
An organ that allows fish to obtain oxygen from the air
A saltwater aquarium
Median Fins
Fins that are not paired
Fish semen
Fish which protect their eggs or fry /or young by holding them in the mouth
Nano Reef
A small reef aquarium.
Nitrogen Cycle
The process by which bacteria convert fish waste and other decaying organic matter into less harmful compounds
New Tank Syndrome
A tank where the nitrogen cycle has not yet been properly established
Active at night
Old Tank Syndrome
A tank suffering from a decline in pH due to the the accumulation of excess nitrates
An animal that eats both meat and vegetable based foods
The organ through which a female fish deposits her eggs
A measurement of the degree of acidity of water. pH 7 equals neutral water. Below this it is acidic, and above it is alkaline
An aquarium that also has a land area
A tube on a male fish used to fertilize eggs
Pectoral Fin
Fins based on the sides of the fish.
Power Head
A submersible pump
Protein Skimmer
This is used in saltwater tanks to remove organic pollutants
RO Water
Water that has been purified by reverse osmosis
Reef Aquarium
A marine aquarium containing live corals and normally reef fish and invertebrates
The amount of salt in the water
Soft Water
Containing a low proportion of minerals and solids
Species Tank
An aquarium that houses only one species as opposed to a cmmunity tank
Material at the bottom of the aquarium eg: sand or gravel
Swim Bladder
The internal air sac which can contains controls a fished buoyancy
Trickle Filter
A type of bio-filter in which water is trickled over the filter media
The rate at which the total volume of the tank water is processed through the filter system
Ventral Fins/Pelvic Fins
The last set of paired fins on the underneath of a fish
Water Column
The calculated from water surface to the top of the substate
Water Conditioner
A chemical used to make tap water safe for aquarium use