General Description
In its natural form this species is silver-green in colour with a bright red caudal fin.
There are now several varieties available including: bright light edges to the dorsal and anal fins, a long-finned variety and a golden variety.
The males tend to be brighter coloured with a slimmer body.
The White Cloud Mountain Minnow originates from China, but it is virtually
extinct in its native habitat.
4 cm (1.5 in)
Life span
3 to 10 years
Easy, good for freshwater beginners
Peaceful and best kept in schools of 6 or more
Tank Size
5 gallon or larger
Tank Region
All over the tank
45F - 70F (7C - 21C)
Omnivore - will eat many food items including flakes, pellets and live foods.
Easy. They need a water temperature of around 68F (20C) and after mating they will lay their eggs on
the bottom of the tank. You must remove the adults otherwise they will eat the eggs.
6 - 8
Water Hardness(dH)
5 to 25